Hi and welcome to my page of stuff. This page has lots of....welll....stuff!! Feal free to take a look around at my.... er.... stuff.
Here is a cool image of Goku a charcter from Dragon Ball
Here is a pic of Oddish my fav
Pokemon.(Yes I like pokemon)
is a pic of Goten another charcter from Dragon Ball Z
Here is a cool pic of some Sams fighting
is a pic of my fav GI-Joe on Patrol
Cool Links
www.Avault.com A very cool Web site lots of codes,games,downloads,reviews, and previews covers Console and Computer games.
www.21stcenturytoys.com Very cool site. the makers of The Ultimate Soldier toy line.
Other stuff
realy...cool ...little...er...blob thingy
E-mail paulhoehn3@advnet.net email me
if for some strage reason you wanna give me money:)
Index of Smiles
Ok for those of you who don't know what a smiley is...go to walmart!! Hehehe im just kiding ok a smiley is a little thingy you put at the end of a sentence to show emotion hehe. Anyway take note that these smileys are the REAL DEAL not that fake AOL garbage (Sorry had to get that jab in) look below for a list of smileys and how to look at them. | ||||
How to look at a smiley ok first tilt your head to the left NOT TURN TILT!! ok look at this :) do ya see it??? well if not keep trying! | ||||
Here is a list of smileys and what they mean. | ||||
:) Happy :( Sad ;) Winking :o Going ooooo :O GASP!!! =O MEGA GASP!!!!! =) Supper happy :p stiking out tounge laaaaaa :D Laughing Well those are all the smileys don't forget to look at them this way <-- Other stuff Cont. |